HomePrivacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  1. Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Notice (“Notice”) is issued by Global Mobility & Expat Services Ltd (“GMES”). This Notice concerns individuals outside our organisation, including visitors to our websites, customers and suppliers with whom GMES interacts in one way or the other.

    This policy is expected to be updated from time to time to reflect changes towards the processing of personal data or any changes as applicable with regards to the Mauritius Data Protection Act 2017 (the “Act”).

    GMES highly encourages concerned users to read its Privacy Policy at regular intervals and to review any amendments GMES might make.

    Reference in this Notice to “Personal Data” means any or all information that identifies, or could reasonably be used to identify, a living individual, either directly or indirectly.

    Processing your Personal Data

    Collection of Personal Data: GMES may collect your Personal Data from different sources, namely:

    • When you contact us via email or telephone or by any other means of communications.
    • As part of our client on-boarding procedure.
    • When managing transactions for or on behalf of customers or suppliers; and
    • When you visit our website or requested to upload any information for the purpose of obtaining a quote or for job vacancies whenever applicable.

    Generally, you will have provided your personal data to us directly in above-mentioned ways.

    However, we may also collect your personal data in the following ways:

    • When we obtain it indirectly, e.g., information is shared with us by third parties such as government, other agencies or another service provider.
    • When it is available publicly, e.g., depending on your privacy settings for social media services, we may access information from those accounts or services (for example when you choose to interact with us through platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn).
    • When you browse and/or interact on our website.

    Creation of Personal Data: Global Mobility & Expat Services creates personal data about you, such as records of your interactions with GMES, and details of your accounts, subject to applicable law.

    Relevant Personal Data: GMES may process the following categories of personal data, such as:

    • Personal Details: first and last name, middle name, gender, date of birth or age, marital status, ID number, passport number, nationality, photographs;
    • Family Details: names and contact details of family members including children;
    • Contact Details: address, telephone and mobile numbers, email address;
    • Employment Details: names of current and former employers, work address, work telephone number, work email address and work-related social media profile details;
    • Education History: details of your education and qualifications.
    • Financial Details: billing address, bank account details, credit card numbers, cardholder or accountholder name and details, instruction records, transaction details.
    • Electronic identifying Data: IP addresses, cookies and geolocation data

    Processing your Sensitive Personal Data: GMES does not seek to collect or otherwise process your sensitive personal data except when:

    • required by law; or
    • GMES has obtained, subject to applicable law, your explicit consent prior to processing your sensitive personal data.

    Disclosure of Personal Data to third parties

    GMES may also need to transfer and disclose your personal data to third parties (including Sub-Processors) involved in your matters, for legitimate business purposes, in accordance with applicable laws. 

    Where GMES transfers or discloses your personal data to such third party, it will do this in accordance with applicable data protection laws and will take appropriate safeguards to ensure its integrity and protection. 

    GMES shall procure that each Sub-Processor enters into a written agreement subjecting such Sub-Processor to equivalent obligations with respect to Personal Data that are imposed on GMES under this Notice and under the Data Protection Act.

    Where GMES intends to transfer your personal data to any third party (excluding affiliated entities, subsidiaries and required sub-processors for lawful processing of data), GMES shall request your consent for same.

    International Transfer of Personal Data

    GMES may need to transfer your personal data to its affiliated entities and subsidiaries outside Mauritius and international customers and business ventures in connection with the purposes set out in this Notice.

    Data Security

    GMES has implemented the appropriate physical, technical and organisational security measures, which ensure a level of internal security designed to protect your personal data in its control against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized access, and other unlawful or unauthorized forms of processing of your Personal Data, in accordance with the applicable law. 

    You are encouraged to use secure data transmission methods when sending your personal data to GMES.

    Data Accuracy

    GMES take reasonable steps designed to ensure that:

    • your personal data that we process are accurate and where necessary, kept up to date, and
    • any of your personal data that GMES processes and are considered inaccurate are erased, or rectified without further delay.

    GMES may request you to confirm the accuracy of your personal data from time to time.

    Data Minimisation

    GMES takes reasonable steps designed to limit the collection of personal data to what is directly relevant and necessary to accomplish specific purposes set out in this Notice.

    Data Retention

    GMES takes reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data, subject to any applicable law, are retained for only as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes set out in this Notice.

    As a general rule, the maximum retention period is 7 years.

    Where the purpose for keeping your personal data or the period of retention required by law has lapsed, GMES shall destroy your personal data as soon as reasonably practicable. GMES shall notify any party processing your personal data on behalf of GMES, of its duty to destroy such personal data.

    1. Personal Data Breach

    In the event there is any breach of your personal data, GMES shall, without undue delay and where reasonably practical, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of it, notify the personal data breach to the Data Protection Commissioner in Mauritius.

    Where appropriate protection measures have been applied following a breach of your personal data and there are high residual risks to your rights and freedoms, GMES shall inform you, without undue delay, of the details regarding such breach, its effects and where applicable, the remedial actions taken to mitigate the possible adverse effects of the breach.

    Your Legal Rights

    Subject to applicable law, your right regarding the processing of your personal data, are as follows:

    • the right to request access to, or copies of, your personal data that GMES processes or controls, together with information regarding the nature, processing, and disclosure of those personal data.
    • the right to request from GMES, access to and rectification, restriction or erasure of any of your personal data that GMES processes or controls
    • the right to object to GMES processing your personal data.
    • the right to have your personal data that GMES processes or controls transferred to another controller, to the extent applicable.
    • where GMES processes your personal data on the basis of your consent, the right to withdraw that consent at anytime.
    • the right to know from which source GMES obtained your personal data where personal data is not directly collected from you;
    • the right to lodge complaints to the Data Protection Office of Mauritius regarding the processing of your personal data by GMES.

    Direct Marketing

    GMES may process your personal data to contact you, primarily by email, by telephone or any other means as may be agreed with you, so that we can provide you with information concerning services that may be of interest, provided that we have first obtained your consent, to the extent required by, and in accordance with the applicable laws in Mauritius. 

    If you do not wish to receive marketing communications from GMES, you can opt out at any time by contacting us or by electronically unsubscribing from emails GMES have sent you. 

    After you have unsubscribed, we will not contact you for marketing purposes, but we may continue to contact you to the extent necessary for the purposes of any services you have requested.

    Update to GMES’ Privacy Notice

    This Notice is expected to be amended or updated from time to time to reflect changes towards the processing of personal data or any changes, as may be required by the Mauritius Data Protection Act 2017. This version was last updated on 03.11.2022. GMES highly encourages concerned users to review its Notice at regular intervals.

    Contact Details

    If you have any comments, questions or concerns about this Notice, or any issues relating to the processing of your personal data by GMES, please contact us:

    Address: Global Mobility Services, Level 3 Alexander House, 35, Cybercity, Ebene, 72201, Mauritius.

    Email:  info@globalmobility.mu

    Website: globalmobility.mu


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