Global Mobility
& Expat Services

Global Mobility
& Expat Services

Your relocation partner

Relocation can
be complicated.

But choosing the right service
doesn’t have to be.

Endowed with breathtaking landscapes and a diverse multicultural population, Mauritius is the perfect destination for anyone looking for more than just a holiday destination.

Its ease of doing business ranking and stable governance creates the perfect business climate possible.

Discover how we can help you

Relocation Experts

Relocation Experts

Discover how we can help you

Choosing to live in Mauritius will give access to multiple benefits including tax regimes, political and social stability, multiculturalism, extensive air access and many others.

Occupation Permit Professional

Work and Live in Mauritius as a professional with a minimum salary of MUR 60,000.

An Occupation Permit Professional is available for short-term employment of a minimum of 9 months to a maximum of 10 years

Occupation Permit Young Professionals

International students who have completed their education in a tertiary institution in Mauritius also have the option to work and live for 3 years under a Young Professional OP (YPOP), depending on their field of study.

Occupation Permit Investor

With a minimum investment, in an existing or new business, you can acquire a 10-year Occupation Permit as an Investor which will allow you to work and live in Mauritius.

Occupation Permit Self Employed

If you want to explore the Mauritian market as a freelancer, the EDB allows you the possibility to have an OP Self-Employed for a period of 10 years, renewable afterwards.

Residence Permit for retired non-citizens

If you are 50 years or above and fancy enjoying an exquisite lifestyle in the sun, a 10-year residence permit might just be perfect for you.

Residence Permit for accompanying family members

Relocate with your family members by applying for a residence permit for them as your dependents in Mauritius. Family members like your spouse, children, parents get the same length of stay as long as you hold a valid Occupation Permit

20- Year Permanent Residence Permit

If you’ve already been in Mauritius under an Occupation Permit or Residence Permit and plan to work and live in the long-run, a permanent residence permit can give you the possibility to extend your stay in the country for at least 20 years.

Residence Permit by Property Acquisition


Residence Permit by Property Acquisition


Under certain schemes managed by the Economic Development Board (EDB) including the Property Development Scheme, Smart City Scheme and Real Estate Scheme among others, you are able to purchase a residential property that will entitle you to a residence permit. Our team will guide you to better understand the various schemes and assist you further.

Mauritius At a Glance





GNI Per Capita


GDP Growth Rate


Our Trusted Active Clients


Fintech Project Completed


Experienced Members
Expats who chose Mauritius


Expats who chose Mauritius


See what they are saying

Emmanuelle Moizan

I have been living in Mauritius for the past 16 years and I have been evolving in the real estate industry. Mauritius is one of the most reliable countries in the world, where we have stability and a very warm welcome. 

Dr Stephane Bach

I have chosen Mauritius based on several factors:  the level of spoken French, which is impeccable, even excellent, the empathic character of the staff, all these constitute the advantage of being in Mauritius and working with Mauritians.

Arnaud Azema

Vatel decided to open a school in Mauritius in 2009 for two reasons. First, because of the global recognition of the Mauritian hospitality industry. Secondly, because of the government’s vision to develop Mauritius as a knowledge hub.

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